Now time: 2025-01-15 17:22 (CST) | Intro | FAQ | My Account |
Now time: 2025-01-15 17:22 (CST) | Intro | FAQ | My Account |
2x08: The Queen Who Ever Was
2x07: The Red Sowing
2x06: Smallfolk
2x05: Regent
2x04: The Red Dragon and the Gold
2x03: The Burning Mill
2x02: Rhaenyra the Cruel
2x01: A Son for a Son
1x10: The Black Queen
1x09: The Green Council
1x08: The Lord of the Tides
1x07: Driftmark
1x06: The Princess and the Queen
1x05: We Light the Way
1x04: King of the Narrow Sea
1x03: Second of His Name
1x02: The Rogue Prince
1x01: The Heirs of the Dragon